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Monday, August 16, 2010

Illusion of your Absolute Existence

In this post i am trying to put some thought that has been concluded by mental exercise. Any one who has read The Bhagwat Gita, lord krishna has explained Arjuna that you are no one who has decided to fight this war; the famous Krukshetra war between Kaurava and Pandava was decided by lord krishna as he told. He further said that not only the war but every leaf which is trembling in the blowing wind is nothing but his will, The first question arose that why lord krishna(god) wanted that war or any dynamic movement in the universe is his will, second question is how is it possible?
Say for example a human ;a man who is a working professional in any of the industry from mechanical, software, govt. etc. If i will offer him/her an unlimited amount of money on the monthly basis and, the only thing is allowed to him, not to do anything, just sit on single place with given minimum necessities like food and Excretory system functions. Intuitively, it is sure that at the most one week the human will follow the guidelines of not doing anything but after that he will move to do something, that is behavior of normal human that to entertain himself by doing something. Means action oriented behavior, nut shell dynamics is required to feel good
After reading about the nature and close observation of nature and human i came to conclusion that, i found the answer of first question ,that if we, a negligible physical entity in the whole cosmos has a behavior of entertaining with dynamics, than why not the whole cosmos would? so let we assume that whole cosmos is conscious and that cosmos is itself is lord krishna(god) so this conscious(god) cosmos(existence of all e.g. bird hman, air , leaf as Physical entity) entertain him self with dynamic behavior because, it wont feel good without any thing and as a part of this cosmos we behave the same as cosmos behaves.
To under stand second question how it happens i will take same example of the human, was supposed to not to do any thing, will move out of the room, goes for gymnasium to work out. He entertains him self there ,with some dynamic activity. If i imagine that body of man is nothing but a micro-model of cosmos and with that micro-model we assume that, his finger is micro-micro-model of a normal human. Than actually the man exercises, his hand movement are up and down and the finger is moving with hand only. The finger(micro-micro model of real human) will think himself that he is moving up down by him self. But actually it was resultant of whole exercise of the man(micro-model of cosmos)
with this explanations actually the human or anything on this planet is negligible compare to whole cosmos that cosmos contains solar system, galaxies these details are resultant of our dynamic behavior by which we explored this much planets and galaxies. But it may possible there are more than what we have explored is existing and than our thought that we are controlling our actions is illusion of absolute existence . And so many actions of our dynamic behavior are actually nothing but part of this "conscious cosmos" or god whatever who is exercising in the gymnasium