but if the nature itself creates the music then AR has said (please follow link) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLKqr1oPt7w
he says that to define music is very difficult or very easy because if u just listen the sounds around u is nothing but music; like baby crying, a local train, a morning bell of milk man, or school children chatting in the bus, cows bell. temple bell, different kinda engines sound on the road from three Wheeler auto to sound of wheel only in luxurious cars like Camry or Mercedes where we listen the sounds like somebody wants to spread pins on the ground.
once i perform a experiment, i just sat back on the rear side of the car and windows were down, kept my eyes closed and decided to just listen the sounds that will go across my ears after almost 15 minute i realized, that i reached up to somewhat meditative state, where i was not feeling irritated by the noise of horn or with noisy engines, it was just like concentrating on breath when we perform the pranayam but this time, i was concentrating only on the sounds, just touched my earspad, music is nothing but which gives u the feeling of freedom to our all boundary/constraint and, our happiness becomes independent, rather only dependent on music/sounds.